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Sir Heron

That's him... The Emporer's (sic) Champion. So tall he does not fit in a doorway, every inch of him carried with the grim dignity of a ceremonial blade--and the room falls to silence around him. Have you heard? — That sword at his hip can cleave armour like it were flesh, and flesh like it were butter. Barehanded, he can tear a man apart like a cooked chicken, and he does so without a hint of mercy nor passion. Neither blade nor bolt nor blow can fell him, they say--his ferocity sustains through injury which would kill most any man. Once, your friend Barry assures, Sir Heron felled three dozen men whilst he had a ballista bolt stuck through his belly like a collector's insect, and only stopped to be healed by his fleshmage once the battle was won. When you look upon this knight, it suddenly seems like the stories could actually be true.

Such a sight will inevitably fill you with either a swell of patriotism or an awed disgust--the same sort of feeling as what might, several hundred years later, be evoked by an incredibly powerful and expensive state-of-the-art military aircraft.

General Info

Sir Heron is his majesty's champion/right hand/bodyguard. Unassailable and incorruptible if only you ignore that whole thing he's got going with the emporess (sic).

He's exactly the same as regular Heron except that in this universe he is cool and epic. traded in the dyspraxia for an invincible sword; can and will cleave you in twain if you so much as think one unflattering thought about the empore (sic). Fear is a favorite weapon of his, and he is very good at inspiring it.

Has a four-digit killcount in only five years of tenure, but that's only because every dinnertable scene ends with ~10 bad guys jumping out from various hiding places; Heron sighing heavily. Throwing down his cutlery. Dabbing the corner of his mouth with a napkin, and then getting up and hacking the would-be assassins into giblets while the royal couple continue their meal with jaded dignity.

Spends all the time he's not protecting the emporer (sic) or the forbidden love of his life emporess (--you get the picture by now, that's just how they spell it in Kansia) pursuing The Way Of The Warrior in the Kansian dojo. Practicing Kansian jujitsu with a bunch of other heaving sweating seminaked men on a daily basis has made him 3x saner than prime!heron despite all the murder. Truly he is living his best possible life.


Late 20s / Early 30s




6'8" (though legend puts it closer to 7')

Knight of the Holy Frigatebird KotHF are the most elite imporial (sic) mage-knights in all of Kansia ; His Majesty's Champion, His Majesty's Right Hand Arm. Man.


Stronger than an ox, and his matrix-vision makes him seem crazy fast. Nigh-unkillable due to the force of repressed sexuality and sheer rage (and the very well-paid fleshmages employed to keep patching him up).

Babyboy is sooo overpowered and we like it that way. Just like Lancelot <3. Too bad the Horrors we throw at him are not the kind you can make go away by stabbing them in the face.


The Begining

Look, it doesn't matter. Don't worry about it. Sir Heron is a Knight of the Holy Frig, and nothing else he did in his past life should matter to you or to anyone. So what if he was the bastard son of a whore. So what if he survived the razing of his town, only to be forced under the thumb of said raiders and ground into subservience to them, and so what if he was one of them as a boy of thirteen. So what if he resorted to thieving and backstabbing to fund his alvium The extract from a certain plant, cherished by mages for its magic-enhancing effects. It’s also a painkiller. Unfortunately, it’s cripplingly addictive. It also turns your hair blue if you use it a lot. Of course you have blue hair and a drug habit habit, and they threw him away like the trash he was. None of that matters now.

What matters is that one day he saved the life of a noble boy, and the boy’s father was moved enough by this act of altruism from this scruffy urchin to give him the opportunity to get on his feet, on the condition he would quit the drug habit. Heron, shockingly, obliged. Furthermore, he became friends with the boy he’d rescued, who’s name was Xavier. Zooming forward a bit the two are now fast friends and Xavie’s papa is financing training for him to be Xavie’s basically-bodyguard, since xavie is always getting himself into trouble with his whole wandering bard thing. If Heron swears to look after xavier with his life, Xave’s dad will let him join his house, legitimising him. Heron is more than keen. And he has yet to let Xavier down.

Fast forward a bit more, and after a catastrophic wiping of the previous Dynasty, Kansia needs a new Emporer (sic). It turns out Xavier has the most godblood so he’s emporer now yay Xavier. Heron joins the Order of the Holy Frig soon after, the elite knights who serve the emporer most closely. His proficiency for combat as well as not having any fun really let him shine in that position.

Everything was going swimmingly until Xavier sent him to retrieve a godblooded woman on the other side of the country to be his emporess. It had to be done quickly and discreetly, you see, so he didnt send a whole contingent of guards, only his best guy: Heron. The girl, who’s name was Susan, was a complete freak and weirdo, just like Heron. Not to mention, a massive nerd. They fall in mega autism love in short order—and the journey was *not* a short one. Alas, they are too goody-two-shoes to do anything about it, so she ends up marrying the Emporer without any treasonous event. Heron knows Xavier is a good man and that he will treat her correctly, so it’s all going to go well for her, right?

Wrong. The whole point of having a godblooded wife is that she might produce a godblooded heir. Susan is not very good at this. In fact all her god blood just keeps leaking out of her along with miscarriage after miscarriage. The Emporer and Emporess both insist on trying again and again. In a few years, she’s dying. None of the court fleshwizards can save her.

Heron is starting to feel a itty little bit of resentment towards his bro now, seeing all the vitality bled from those eyes which once held such genius. But his feelings don’t matter he’s a knight after all it’s his duty to just stand by and watch. Increasingly desperate, the Emporer employs the best physicians, even ones from across the seas… and even (gasp) elfs. Eventually they’re onto a bit of a winner and they listen to some halfway decent medical advice enough that she stops dying. So that’s nice. Since if she dies, Heron’s heart shall die with her. Not that it matters at all.

Oh yeah, also finds out Why (Sue's bastard brother and also imporeal (sic) treasurer) has been committing embezzlement and brings him in for justice. instead of executing him, which would be mean, offers to try and MK Ultra him instead, which is totally way nicer. It doesn't work, it only fucks Why up pretty bad. And honestly, Heron too.


The Now

Right now, he and the Emporer and the Emporess and the Emporess’s bastard (yet very godblooded) brother are on a quest to go placate the upheaval of the literal earth by making the pilgrimage to the Tomb of God. It’s a whole thing.


What's Coming

Haven't typed this up niceys yet, but here are some places he goes in his campaign:

  1. Protects the royals on their journey along with a smallish party of guards and knights (Kent, Sebastian, and Wilson). Ryn and Ida invite themselves along too.

  2. Fights a glashtyn. Wins.

  3. Rescues Ryn and Ida from a leszy.

  4. Finds a magical spring which will answer the question of a worthy heart with a worthy offering.
    • Asks it "how do I bear this suffering of my heart?" in exchange for his lucky silver dice. Spring gives him some alvium for that boner, lol.

    • Sneaks away in the night to secretly ask it a second question in exchange for a single one of Susan's hairs he once stole from her pillow and has cherished ever since: "Will she ever be mine?". It answers simply: yes.

  5. Fights a million ghost crows and an undead army rising from an endless bog. Wins when they realise the hoarde get automatically eaten by the ghost crows.

  6. Fights a bunch of goblins and their queen. Wins.

  7. Gets posessed by a demon and rains razorcoin hell upon his own party. Xave orders his men to fell him with crossbows; heron proceeds to roll two nat 20s in a row and knock the bolts dead in the air with his telekinesis before passing out. Susan gets a nasty scar, though :(

  8. Fights a sentiant cathedral which wants to kill them all. Wins when the godbloods (xave, sue, and why) successfully charm it with their 3 respective talents: music, nerdery, and bodily fluids.

  9. Gets put in an endless desolate purgatory city all alone and is tortured by bugs until he falls down the stairs and breaks his leg so fucking badly. Why is there :) they take care of each other. God ends up slicing open Why's chest so Heron can drink his blood and get healed. And it is something alright.

  10. Fights a kraken, wins. Ida dies, tho.

  11. Xave refuses to sacrifice him in the tomb of god's heart, so Heron and Ryn and Ida end up in bird hell to endure a promethean fate (getting eaten by bugs forever)

  12. Escapes bug hell, and it's buisiness as usual for a while. Looks like they stopped the Cataclysm despite pussying out in the end, yayy

  13. Goes on a quest with Susan. Party get killed in an avalanche. Must huddle for warmth in a cave. End up getting warmer than anticipated. Uh oh sue's pregnant not sure who's the father (xave or heron)

  14. It's heron's. They have to pretend the baby girl is Xave's, though.

  15. Sylvia inherented enough of her true parent's brainpower to deduce her true parents by age 10. Tries to run away with Why's help because fuck these royals and their shitty oathbreaking knights. Heron hunts them down. Pretends to kill Why, takes back Snarebreaker and lets Why go, never to return. Returns a miserable Sylvia to the palace and eventually the throne.

  16. They all live unhappily ever after, the end.

Cool Stuff

Ashsteel Sword

The Emporer has armed him (and his other best knights) with an invincible sword made of a magic white metal, and he weilds it with monsterous strength. It chimes like a massive temple bell when struck. It also obeys his telekinesis. Yeah, he’s got that too, but it only works on silver, gold, and ashsteel.


As a mage, Heron can see enchantment on objects. As a specifically-telekinetic mage of elite training, he can also see the momentum of all objects. A kick, a thrust from a weapon, or the arc of a thrown ball will follow a trace Heron can see before it happens. This makes him very hard to hit, and also very apt to wreck you in combat.

Razor Coin Swarm

Sir Heron has formidable command of telekinesis. Unfortunately, it only works on noble metals. Fortunately, the emporer supplies him with hundreds of silveryes we know silver is too soft irl but do you really want to stop suspending your desbelief this late in the game? Yeah I thought not razors to help him make people die. He can rain these down on a battlefield, or form a sheild from archers. Even more: Being uniform playing-card-sized kite-shaped bits of coin silver, each one is actually legal tender—they're stamped on one side with a portrait of the Emporer, sword in hand; on the obverse, a heron killing a snake, and an ominous motto in Old Kansian. He'll pay for stuff with them on a regular basis (politely blunting them first if he likes you) so there's actually a few of them in circulation (either that scavenged from battlefields). Some may consider killing enemies of the state with literal (albeit oddly shaped) money to be a little on the nose, but they're still a numismatist's wet dream.

Trivia & Miscellany

  • Still ambidexterous. Slight pref for his left hand.

  • Still bi, but he doesn't know homosexuality exists in this universe and is therefore incapable of even having any internalised homophobia. All his emotional and physical reactions to his favourite male colleagues are simply the Warrior's Bond, you non-martial types wouldn't get it 😤

  • Lives thru 9999 different nightmare AUs during the quest to the Tomb of God's Heart. I'm tempted to make different pages for all of them, but I won't (lying).

  • Do you belong to a magical or alien species? As far as Heron is concerned, you are an elf. And elfs have no rights 😤

  • Getting chivalrous on it 24/7

  • keeps two silver dice on him. A little keepsake from his days as a scoundrel bard

  • prefers the company of animals, if only because they are more efficient communicators than most people. Keeps a trio of Kansian Deathhounds massive black wardogs bred for tearing cavalrymen from their mounts

  • His horse is a friesian, because of course it is. All the knights get friesians because they are soooo badass

  • Like in any anime, hair colour is a big thing. Chronic magic use turns one's hair white, while alvium use will act like blue dye over your base colour (...biologically. everywhere.). The fact that Heron's hair is black is a big thing because it shows he's so unbelievably badass that he does not rely on magic. Either that or he's very fastidiously dyeing not only the hair on his head but also everywhere else.
    • The edgy black + red colour scheme is also for lore reasons--Black being the colour of Divine Duty and Red being the colour of Divine Strength (White is the colour of Divine Nuturing, btw. Apparently this facet of the trinity was not so important for the KotHF dresscode). Only the Knights of the Holy Frigatebird get the epic black armour.

  • As is Knight Policy, nobody knows his real name. That's how elfs get you.

please be nice
to me and pretend this book is actually on this table

Xaanik bid me put mine thoughts to page for þe sake of what she, in her strange jargon, calleth mind-fullneſs. While to me, þis seemeth as much an exercise of vain self-gratificaiton as it does a potential vulnerability of our Empore's security, I do not disobey my teacher's instruction. Know þat if any mortal doth read þese pages I shall know, so heed þis warning now and forget þis book leſt I bring Heaven's wrath upon þee and pluck þe eyes frome þy wretched skull.

I so nearly have him. Lord White and his crimes hath left a trail of stink which I follow like a deathound. Þe trap I lay for him today is not one he shall soon worme from. By next week, he shall be at þe Emporer's mercy.

Do not think I do þis for my own satisfaction—nay—in fact it is bitter pain þat my hand should be raised against the broþer of my Emporeſs. But none who walk þis Earth are beyond reproach, not even the lords of the Imporeal court. And he who would exploit His Majesty's kindneſs to his own selfish gain must be brought to justice.


O, what sickneſs dwelleth in me þat I would dream of her still!

Such morrows bring a different craving. Sage was I to reject the ration of Alvium aſsigned to other battlemages, for I would sooner endure aurafire þan be sober now.

God, I am þy blade, and a blade requireth nyþer kindneſs nor repryve. Strength is all I beg of thee. Give me what I need to endure þis, as you do in battle to steel me against the infidels' most vicious weaponry. Let me surpaſs þis so that I may continue to defend you always with peerleſs might, and forge all this sufferyng into further clarity of my holy purpose.

It is not þat I regret the fulfylment of my duty to unite her with him. Nor is it that I regret mine oathes. Only þat there is a elfthing made for me, who whispers blasphemy into mine sleeping ear. Nothing more, and nothing leſs.

Ryn's skills of perception are also elflike, I have decided, for þis morning he accosted me at breakfaste wiþ a most loaþesome proposal: "Þou must come to Miss Minxie's Titty Tavern with me this eve," declared he, "a little lust for blood is good for a warrior, but it is an ill thing for our Champion to become distracted." Needleſs to say, this proposal was rejected. But if I looketh distracted, this is something I must remedy, for appearance is one half of my job. Every citizen of þis realm shoulde rest aſsured nothing could truly distract me. Not ever. Especially not a Titty.

Also, there have been official reforms to the written word today which I shall attempt to implement as of now. Our rulers are very progressive, which is one of their many strengths. Though writing without the thorne and long S make it feel as though my hand hath an impediment of speech.

I have him. All night I stalked Lord White, but I have him now, with proof of his embezzling. Like a fool, he put up a fight, and I had to bloody him, but I did not break more than his pride as I brought him to the jail in chains upon my shoulders like a killed deer. After all, I do this ultimately for his own goode. This man who grew up a gutter rat must be broken before he can be tamed, and tamed before he can truly take his place in good society. The Emporer and his wife were too kind to him, a fact this rat would only exploit, and so the task falleth to me.

If the Emporer should choose to exectue him, then that is one less vermin in this worlde. But I have a better proposal to make, if His Majesty doth wish to grant him mercy. Thus I pray for him.

I come to today's writing almost breathless. Twas after dinner, well into the darkness of night; the tail end of a day with woefully little to do. A visit to the library, then, since I had devoured my current stack of reading material and needed to replace it. I have been reading on the psyche, lately, the many conjectures on the mysterious forces of the soul—knowledge I will need if my plan is to be successful. Of course, this is only supplemental to my other assignments. Vigilance is a constant duty, so even as I stride these magelit corridors I am ever-alert.

As the Jester oft complains, these halls are so usually devoid of music, but this was not so tonight. The room from which it seemed to emanate is normally disused, only kept from gathering dust by servants. I stopped, to follow the melody itself for a while. An amateur, yes, but not an unskilled one. There was a hesitance in it, but the notes were correct, and the song still flowed sweetly.... so sweetly, for I knew in my soul who's hands wove it. Logically, my Emporess is too busy for such frivolous pleasures as music...

Yet it was her instrument, and that there was no mistaking. By the door, I will admit, I faltered with a pang of guilt, as if then it were wrong for me stand there, a voyeur—secret audience to this private song made all the sweeter by the act of stealing. Nevertheless, I raised my hand to knock, and nd there was she, with the hurdy-gurdy. She hesitated at my interloping, but I urged her to play on.

"It's been so long," said she. "My fingers feel like unfit soldiers, now, forced back to discipline. Yet I find these melodies still sleep in the back of my head, ready to rise, like a faithful hound at a quiet command... Despite the head being so full of other matters, of much more importance."

Thus is music's nature. Once you have it, it is yours forevermore. While there is little to miss from my past life as a mistrel, I find I miss music so dearly. I think it is no sin to allow yourself its comfort, on occasion.
I did expect to be dismissed politely then. Yet instead, she bid me take up the lute in the corner and play with her. And such a mournful song she played to my

accompaniment that my heart did tremble. Too soon, an hour had elapsed, and my books were all forgotten.

Yet it was not quite idle bliss. For she spoke of her brother, who many year ago gave her that instrument as one of his many kindnessess to her. I know his arrest doth pain her dreadfully. I hath done the right thing, by bringing White to justice, and yet I know it is a cruelty too. I must not flinch from its infliction. If Truth and Justice warrant cruelty, then I an implement of cruelty, and its black mark is only one of countless that mine blackened soul doth bear. I know she understands that this is how it must be. One way or another, My Emporess is to be free from the burdens of her brother's villany.