Orb's Place


The Third Dimension

Razorcoin Paint


Finally found some time for this, and discovered my silver paint was completely dry after a decade of disuse. Ah well! In the meantime, I hit it with an acrylic black wash just to show off the fingerprints details a bit better. Actually I think it's pretty cool for a first attempt!

Peasant 1: I think the emporer(sic) is quite a bit more handsome in reality versus his portrait on the coin
Peasant 2: Though Sir Heron is about as handsome as his own.

Razorcoin Sculpt


Huh it's been a while since I busted out the ol polymer clay. I've decided I have a foaming need to try and make one of Sir Heron's razorcoins. For those unfamiliar with Aarix character lore, Sir Heron is a knight with telekinesis but the gimmick is his telekinesis only works on silver, so the Emporer (sic (this story was a joke when I started writing it so every typo is canonical spelling)) loads him up with sharp silver coins that bring a whole new meaning to the idea of throwing money at a problem until it disappears. My irl version ended up a bit more squat than the concept art, but honestly this shape is a bit better anyway. Haven't had a chance to paint it yet, but here... with aussie ten cent piece for scale.

Heads: The Emporer (sic) with sword and orb
Tails: A heron killing a snake.

I'm gonna sand the edges a bit flatter, then try priming it black and then drybrushing it silver for a bit of a silver effect. Never painted a model before, so here's hoping I don't screw it up! If I do, then... I guess I have these pics to remember it by.

Phoenician Earring

Hey do you remember the "ancient rockabilly earring" that was doing the rounds on tumblr a little while ago? It really captured my heart.

Turns out, this whole sculpture thing is harder than it looks! what I'd assumed would be a simple project turned out to be incredibly intricate undertaking, and took several hours more than you'd think! mad respect to the ancient phoenician guy who made the original out of molten glass....

I tried to get him as close as possible in dimension and colour to the original, though my lack of certain colours and any tools at all meant there had to be a few compromises. Not a bad attempt, though, I'd say. Lighter for scale...

These pendants were used as protective amulets to ward off evil. Similar pendants are frequently represented on Cypriot votive statues and figurines, particularly "temple boys."

He will protect me.

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