oliver Heron kouris

(This page is the second jankiest on my whole site... click the background to find out why.)

A grim goliath of a man looks down at you from behind the desk. He’s riddiculously tall, almost-impossibly broad across the shoulders, and could probably inflict blunt force trauma with his glare alone. He's not going out of his way to make you feel like a valued customer, that much is for sure. Oh, god, why’d your laptop have to shit itself. What the hell is this guy doing working fixing computers, he looks like he should be a medieval inquisitor or something.

General Info

Heron does Not like talking about himself. Actually, he doesn’t seem to like talking about Anything. Heron is a man of few words and even fewer smiles. Don’t waste his time. He’s shielded by an impenetrable wall of intimidation. Awkward? Anxious? Not Heron, he’s just sick of your shit. Yeah. Totally. Heron’s unfriendly manner impresses most people as somewhere between sullen and vaguely murderous, and he’s genuinely scary enough that most people are not game to poke.

He’s at his best when he has a problem to solve, and has a mind with the particular sort of sharpness that will start ripping itself to bits if he goes too long without applying himself to anything. He does his utmost to stay busy, physically and mentally—self-discipline in all things... or else.

Heron’s not precisely reclusive, but he finds most people tiring, and mainly keeps to himself. He enjoys immersing himself in loud, crowded places—concerts, clubs, etc—but you won’t catch him interracting with other people directly too much by choice. He doesn't really seem to fit in anywhere. Watching and listening have always been more his forte; his deductions are often sharp and always private. His own cards remain very close to his chest.

He values hard work, loyalty, and the power of rock n roll. The standards he holds himself to are inhuman. He does have a truly wicked and exceptionally dry sense of humor in there somewhere--given how blunt and humourless he seems, it often just goes over people's heads. He's not without a more human side, but you're not going to see it.


Late 20s


Straight >:^( (bi but mad about it)



IT guy
Don't click.