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Aarix Comix

These comics are designed to be read in book form, so I've put them in little booklets for you to flip through :) give 'em a click!
Or, if you'd rather just look at the comics without any of the animations or messing around, that's cool too--go here :)

Coffee -- 10/09/2024

Sir Heron attempts to teach his prisoner an important mindset lesson. Stupid little thing based on this post found on tumblr which is so in character it's kind of painful.

This page has been left blank unintentionally.

Downpour -- 06/05/2024

Look. Life's too short to pretend that cliched romance does nothing for me. I've extracted this cheesy little nugget of a scene from an ongoing RP campaign and made it into a 5-pager. Comics are Not easy, it turns out. In fact they are Very Hard. I'd never drawn a comic which I've actually planned before, and now I have more respect for the medium than ever. Anyway, please enjoy the cheese. If you see any spelling mistakes, no you don't--'tis just how they spell it in ye olde Kansia. Yeah. Totally. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go cleanse my visual palate and not look at Sir Heron's face for about two weeks.


(18+) Candlelight -- 08/06/2024

WARNING: sex comedy in here. It's wholesome, but it is sex.

Alright, this one only has a single page, but I figure the booklet thing works as a nice warning too. It is--you guessed it--more Sir Heron. Foreword within.


Hey, remember all the Nightmares everyone had in the Tomb of God's Heart? What's that? Aarix hasn't made a page for that yet? Ah. Well, effectively, the the Imporial (sic) adventure party live through a million crazy dreams about what could have been if only everyone had made slightly different choices in life--In one of them, Heron married Sue while he still had a snowball's chance, and they all live happily ever after.

Part of said happiness is the freedom to have so much sex. Though since both of them are too autistic not to intellectualise the fuck out of everything including fucking, this involves comprehensive demonstration of everything in every olde medieval sex/BDSM manual they can get their hands on, whether either of them are remotely into it or not. In such cases, the sex is almost beside the point--it is about having correctly conducted the prescribed activity to the best of their combined ability. There are some hits and many misses. The waxplay was a hit! Or... almost. Who knows what kind of thing Kansians chandlers were using before paraffin came along--a substance invented, incidentally, by this very couple. I'm sure that's unrelated to this comic. But the genesis of wax epilation certainly is.

On the bright side, at least Lord & Lady Hastings can afford nice candles. The thought of trying this with tallow is making me cringe a lot more than that of a spontaneous chest wax.