Aarix's Place


Aarix Noises

From time to time, I create music. At least, that's what someone very generous would term it. If anyone would like to paypal me $4k I would spend it on a Pulsar 23.

I find deep enjoyment in the flow states of creating music live, more with other musicians, but also alone. Making noises is one of life's greatest pleasures, and music seems to be a compulsion universal across every human culture for a good reason. Production is more of a love-hate sort of deal. I’m kind of new to both, so now’s your last chance to get out if poorly crafted FL studio projects pose a threat to your wellbeing.

[Aarix has not uploaded any tunes yet. You'll have to settle for soaking in the sounds of your own environment and/or tinitus for the time being.]

First attempt to actually Make something with this machine on its own... I felt sooooo smort putting this patch together. simultaneously eking a bass, kick AND hat out of a solitary and ostensibly-monophonic synth will make anyone feel like a genius. aaand then i multitracked it anyway so i could slap on some mouldy delay in FL studio and call it a night. That noise hihat is pret-ty vinegary! UFO quality documentation of said patch (um, ignore the osc mixer):

First mucking around with the minibrute :) I accidentally touch every knob including the tuning ones so. watch out. It's funny, whenever the filter gets really shrill and chirpy it sets off the birds outside :'V

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