Orb's Place


Aarix Recs

Music recs of varying levels of obscurity

  • Gazelle Twin: british electronic solo artist who you might know from soundtracks like the one of Cyberpunk 2077, but who's other work I find really inspiring. Generally eerie and bit unconventional, often eschewing melody and harmony in the name of rhythm and texture. My Favorite albums are "The Entire City" and "Unflesh".

  • The Tea Party: don't flinch, yanks, there's no relation to your political one. These guys are an alt rock band hailing from canada with a few hints of "exotic" instrumentation. They gained a bit of a cult following in Australia, and I like them enough to have fronted an admittedly-shortlived tribute band. I'd recommend the albums "Edges Of Twilight" and "Transmission". Bonus points for their bassist being an advocate for misophonia awareness.

  • Calligula's Horse: A Brisbane prog metal band, for my prog metal enjoyers. There's the tight musicianship you'd expect of the genre, but the complexity on display is more towards the "tastefully restrained" end of the spectrum than the "all-out mathematical fuckfest" end. Melodic and emotive with some really nice singing, and Serious narrative threads underpinning it all. I'd start with the albums "In Contact" and "Bloom".

  • "What would nine inch nails sound like if trent reznor settled down and his wife did most of the singing," you ask, and How To Destroy Angels is your answer because that's literally what this band is. Just like regular NIN, their discography ranges from "pleasantly edgy" to "gratingly banal"--there are songs I'll replay and ones I straight up delete. Most of the tracks on "Welcome Oblivion" are pretty enjoyable, though, and it generally hits my ideal ratio of dreary to energetic.

  • Speaking of of NIN, if you like them then I have a Madonna album you should try. No, I'm actually serious, and this isn't a dig. "Ray Of Light" is 90's pop with juust enough of an experimental edge that it makes for an enriching listen and re-listen. If pop queens are something you pass over as a rule, then this is one of the albums I think has enough substance that you should make an exception. Reach beneath the veneer you will find some surprisingly interesting and at times even disconcerting soundcraft. Start with this and see how you go.

  • "Not obscure enough," you say. "Not bizzare enough," you cry. "I need to hear someone writhing around on the floor screaming and playing a theremin." Okay then, go check out Sage Pbbbt and whatever it is that she's up to at the moment. A Perth experimental artist who's work explores "extra-normal" vocal technique and electronic textures... if synth drones and dadaist black metal and/or postmodern queer industrial shamanism intrigue you, then check her out. While I'm climbing a different spiritual/philosophical branch myself, I have respect for someone who's as devoted to exploring their own path own as she is.


  • Filth (2013, dir. Jon S. Baird) -- an extremely black comedy/thriller about an absolute piece of shit junkie cop, based on the Irvine Welsh novel of the same name. Very fucked up, very funny, very very very good acting. I have yet to read the book but I must do it now.

  • Galaxy Quest (1999, dir. Dean Parisot) -- The best Star Trek movie which isn't a Star Trek movie. A good-natured parody/homage to the franchise and the scifi genre as a whole. If you're a Star Trek enjoyer and you have yet to see this film, go watch it now. If you've ever wanted to know what a comedy movie starring Allan Rickman, Tim Allen, and Sigourney Weaver would be like, also go watch it now.


  • Disco Elysium -- Look man do I even have to say anything at this point? I don't have to, but I do intend on doing a full writeup later after I've done another playthrough. Also having been to ex-soviet Europe in person now I can actually say it really is Like That. Play this game if you enjoyed Filth (2013) and watch Filth (2013) if you enjoyed this game.
