Orb's Place


The Flat Stuff

Did some stuff for artfight.

Vice for Sir_Cthulu

Horizon for Xaro

While I'm no master mecha artist, I honestly don't know why people seem to find normal guys easier to draw than armour. Normal guys wear clothing which is my absolute nemesis. And worse, most of them have hair. Having to draw neither of those things ever again is a tantalizing prospect indeed.

Pixel art? Pixel art.

Yes, I'm aware the metallic dong protector would make for a miserable horseriding experience. But it's fantasy baby. Suspend that disbelief.

Star trek AU versions of our characters........ maybe.

trying to make the bajorans look a bit more like actual aliens

What do you get when you cross a Vulcan and a Ferengi? Tactical officer [name pending] is what and she's a fucked up albino full of implants to make her less fucked up. Period-inaccurate uniforms from my 20-years-after-DS9 AU where bridge officers are allowed to have anime hair. It's ok she can see through those bangs with her cyber eyes.

They really did not design starfleet uniforms with cardassian necks in mind did they. Oh well scienceboy [name pending] is making it work. Ended up in starfleet because the prophets told him to and also he has nothing else going for him. Contrary to first impressions he's not the one in this image who can throw you around like an inflatable pool toy.

They look like those feratu.... A tall glass of snail BLOOD please

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